Dedin F Rosida1), Yulistiani R 1), Ardiani W 2)
Dedin F Rosida1), Yulistiani R 1), Ardiani W 2)
1) Faculty of Industrial Technology - UPN "Veteran" Surabaya- East Java, Indonesia,
2) Food Technology of Studies Program UPN "Veteran" Surabaya- East Java, Indonesia,
Protein concentrate has protein content of at least 50-70%. Protein concentrate was made by removing the non-protein components such as fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and water. protein concentrate can be obtained by hydrolyzing with an enzyme. This research used sellulose enzyme which was derived from sheep rumen fluid to separate the protein with cellulose component. in rumen fluid of sheep there are also many other enzymes. The purpose of this research was to produced protein concentrate which is expected to be applied to food products. This study used two factors. The first factor, rumen enzyme concentration: 0%, 40%, 80% and 100% and the second factor was incubation long: 24 h and 48 h. The results showed that leucaena seed protein concentrate produced the protein that contained 56.30 % db, and it had functional properties of oil absorption capacity of 1.58 mL/g, power foam 11.56%, on the concentration of sheep rumen fluid enzyme (10 ml / 100gr) and long incubation of 24 h, whereas the concentration of enzyme treatment of sheep rumen fluid (10 mL/100g) and incubation time of 48 h resulted in the best functional properties on water absorption of 3.42 mL/g, the density of the Kamba 0.56 g/mL, power emulsion 52.75%, 6.39% moisture content.
Keywords: protein concentrate, Leucaena, enzym of sheep rumen,
functional properties
Proteins are essential food
components because they are a source of amino acids needed for growth and
maintenance and provide functional properties to foods. Commercially available
protein foods are obtained from a range of animal and plant sources and are
used as functional ingredients (PERIAGO
et al.1998).
Due to the increasing costs and limited supplies of animal proteins, and since
vegetable protein is the most abundant source of protein on the Earth. Leucaena is a type of
shrub of the tribe Fabaceae (Leguminosae, legumes), which is often used in reforestation
or erosion prevention. Leucaena seeds bitter and neutral. This plant is a
laxative urine (diuretic) and intestinal worms. In addition to containing
mimosin, leukanin, leukanol, and protein, the leaves of this plant also contain
alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus,
iron, and vitamins (A, B1, and C). Leucaena
is a type of plant that can grow and thrive in tropical regions regular
rainfall, even it can be to survive in areas that are dry or barren and less rainfall,
such as Indonesia. Leucaena seeds contain protein 30-40%, 6.13% fat, 9.32%
crude fiber, mineral water 0.26% and 35.72% with a minimum mimosine content.
Protein is an essential substance needed by
animals and humans. One way of fulfilling the needs of the protein is making food products that has a high protein
content, one of them protein concentrates. This protein concentrates for many
food products derived from soy protein, therefore soybean demand is getting increased.
Protein concentrate is a product of protein concentrates that has a protein
content of at least 50-70%. Protein concentrate is produced by removing the
nonprotein components such as fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and water, this
makes the protein content of the product is higher than the original raw
material (Amoo et al. 2006).
The method of making a protein concentrate
can be done by acid extraction, alkaline extraction and enzyme hydrolysis.
Theoretically protein hydrolysis method is the most efficient use of the
enzyme, because enzymes produce peptides that are less complex and easily
broken. Besides hydrolysis enzyme hydrolyzate which can produce changes and
damage to avoid non hydrolytic products (Johnson and Peterson 1974). According to
Haslaniza et al. (2010), the hydrolysis of proteins are proteins that undergo
hydrolytic degradation by acid, base, or proteolytic enzymes that produce
products such as amino acids and peptides. The use of enzymes in hydrolyzing proteins
is considered to be the most secure and profitable. Using enzyme hydrolysis
takes place specifically, the hydrolysis process is extensively able to
influence the formation of peptides and amino acids. Through the process of
hydrolysis expected functional characteristics of protein modification process
is also influenced by the level of hydrophobicity of non-polar part in the
protein chain, the degree of hydrolysis and the type of proteolytic enzymes
used (Shahidi and Botta 1994 ).
Functionality, applied to food
ingredients, is defined as any property on which the utility of those foods
depends (Cepeda et al.1998). Functional properties
of protein concentrates, among others: water absorption (WHC), oil absorption,
activity and emulsion stability, capacity and foam stability. Sheep rumen fluid
is one source of alternative materials which is cheap and it can be used easily
as a source of hydrolase enzymes (Moharrey and Das, 2002). Including amylase, protease, lipase and
cellulase. These enzymes include cellulase enzymes that degrade substrates that
cellulase, hemicellulase / xylose is hemicellulase / xylanase, amylase starch
is, pectin is pectinase, lipid / fat are lipases, proteases and protein are
others (Fitriliyani, un publised). Compared
to acid or alkali hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis of protein, using selective
proteases, provides more moderate conditions of the process and few or no
undesirable side reactions or products. In addition, the final hydrolysate
after neutralization contains less salts and the functionality of the final
product can be controlled by selection of specific enzymes and reaction factors
(Chiang et
al. 1999; Madsen et al. 1997; Darwicz et al. 2000). The functional properties of hydrolysed
proteins are governed to a large extent by their molecular size and their
hydrophobia (Turgeon et al.1992).
Sheep rumen fluid enzyme
Sheep rumen fluid was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. The addition of 35% ammonium sulfate, stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 25 min and incubation for 24 hours at temperature 4 oC. filtrate centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. Results centrifugation filtered and added phosphate buffer pH 7 concentration of 0.05 M with a ratio 10: 1.
Leucaena seed protein concentrate
Leucaena seed flour was made suspension (1:10) and made adjusting the pH to 7.0 with NaOH 0.1 N. Then the suspension was heated at suhu100 ° C for 5 minutes. The addition of rumen fluid crude enzyme extract (0, 2, 4, 6, C for 24 and 48 hours.°8,10 mL / 100 g) and incubated at 70 oC. Results centrifuged at 3000 rpm with warm water. The precipitate obtained was dried with a dryer cabinet ontemperature 45 oC
Proteolytic Enzyme Activity
5% skim milk solution included in the respective 4 erlenmeyer of 40 mL. Enzymes with a concentration of 20%, 30% and 40% respectively as entered on 3 erlenmeyer and incubated at 37 ° C for 1 hour. Remaining erlenmeyer incubated at room temperature with the addition of 10 mL of distilled water (control). Then the sample was taken 10 mL of the sample and coupled with 2 mL of formaldehyde, pp indicator 3 drops, and titrated with 0.1 N NaOH
% N = (ts-tb) mL x N NaOH x 14.008 x FP x 100%
Sample weight (g) x 1000
ts = sample titration
tb = blank titration
sample weight = weight in grams of skim milk
FP = dilution factor,
Analysis of Water Absorption (Lin et al, 1974)
A total of 1 g of sample and 10 mL of distilled water for 2 minutes vortex, chilled for 1 hour at room temperature and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 25 minutes. Filtrate volume was measured. Water absorption was calculated by the following equation:
Sheep rumen fluid enzyme
Sheep rumen fluid was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. The addition of 35% ammonium sulfate, stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 25 min and incubation for 24 hours at temperature 4 oC. filtrate centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. Results centrifugation filtered and added phosphate buffer pH 7 concentration of 0.05 M with a ratio 10: 1.
Leucaena seed protein concentrate
Leucaena seed flour was made suspension (1:10) and made adjusting the pH to 7.0 with NaOH 0.1 N. Then the suspension was heated at suhu100 ° C for 5 minutes. The addition of rumen fluid crude enzyme extract (0, 2, 4, 6, C for 24 and 48 hours.°8,10 mL / 100 g) and incubated at 70 oC. Results centrifuged at 3000 rpm with warm water. The precipitate obtained was dried with a dryer cabinet ontemperature 45 oC
Proteolytic Enzyme Activity
5% skim milk solution included in the respective 4 erlenmeyer of 40 mL. Enzymes with a concentration of 20%, 30% and 40% respectively as entered on 3 erlenmeyer and incubated at 37 ° C for 1 hour. Remaining erlenmeyer incubated at room temperature with the addition of 10 mL of distilled water (control). Then the sample was taken 10 mL of the sample and coupled with 2 mL of formaldehyde, pp indicator 3 drops, and titrated with 0.1 N NaOH
% N = (ts-tb) mL x N NaOH x 14.008 x FP x 100%
Sample weight (g) x 1000
ts = sample titration
tb = blank titration
sample weight = weight in grams of skim milk
FP = dilution factor,
Analysis of Water Absorption (Lin et al, 1974)
A total of 1 g of sample and 10 mL of distilled water for 2 minutes vortex, chilled for 1 hour at room temperature and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 25 minutes. Filtrate volume was measured. Water absorption was calculated by the following equation:
Water absorption (mL water / g sample) = 10 mL - vol filtrate (mL)
W sample (g)
Analysis of Oil Absorption (Soluski and Fleming, 1977)
A total of 0.5 g of sample plus 3 mL of soybean oil vortex for 2 minutes and then allowed to stand at room temperature. The mixture was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 25 minutes. Supernatant was poured into 10 mL measuring cup and observed free oil volume oil absorption measurements performed two repetitions with the following equation:
Oil absorption capacity (mL oil / g sample) = 3 mL of oil - filtrate
W sample (g)
Preparation and HPLC Analysis
of Amino Acid in Leucaena Protein
0.1 g sample is taken and added 2 mL of Performat vortex.
the mixture was hydrolyzed for 16 hours at a temperature of 0 ° C. Then added 0.3
mL of 48% HBr and incubated at a temperature of 0 ° C for 15 minutes. The
solution was dried in a rotary evaporator at 60 ° C. The filtrate was pipetted 500
µL and added 40 µm AABA and aquabidest 460 µl. Furthermore, a solution of 10 µl
pipette and added 70 µl AccQ-Fluor Borate and vortex. Fluor AReagent
20 µl vortex taken and then
allowed to stand 1 '. Reagents were incubated at 55 ° C for 10 '. Samples prepared injected into
the HPLC. HPLC conditions
: colom AccQtag column (3.9 x 150 mm), temperature 37 oC, mobile
phase acetonitril 60% - Accq Tag Eluent A, Gradient system, flow rate 1.0
mL/min, detector Fluorescense, excitation 250 nm, emission395 nm and 5 µl injection volume.
Result and Discussion
Enzymes are biokatalisator that can increase
the rate of a chemical reaction without being reacted or without changing the
balance of the reaction. Protease is an enzyme that is included in the main
class of hydrolases group because this enzyme is able to catalyze peptide chain
termination with the help of water and produce different end products.
The rumen is a source of enzymes that degrade
polysaccharides and proteins. Sheep rumen fluid is a cheap source that can be
used as a hydrolase enzymes (Moharrey and Das 2001). These enzymes include
proteases /deaminase which digest protein peptides, amylase digestion of
starch, cellulose-digesting sellulae, hemisellulase (xylanase) digesting the
hemicellulose (xylan), fat-digesting lipase, phytase, and others (Kung 2000).
In addition to containing enzymes, paunch manure also contains vitamins,
minerals and amino acids.
Polysaccharides are hydrolyzed in the
rumen due to the synergistic effect and interaction of complex microorganisms,
mainly producing cellulase and xillanase. Hydrolyzed by the enzyme protease
protein produced in the rumen microbes. Rumen microbes secrete digestive
enzymes into the rumen fluid to help degrade food particles.
activity of the protease enzyme is a protease enzyme's ability to hydrolyze
proteins cluster into groups of amino acids that is much simpler. Dedin et al
(2013), the activity of proteolytic enzyme bromelain from pineapple peel waste at
a concentration of 20% -40% was 0.5743% - 1.1206%. Proteolytic activity of the
protease enzyme sheep rumen fluid at a concentration of 20-40% can be seen in
Figure 1
1. Proteolytic activity
of sheep rumen enzymes
In Figure 1 above shows that the higher
concentration of enzyme caused the higher proteolitik activity. On the use of
enzymes 20-40% was obtained proteolytic activity 1.42% - 2.690%. Low
proteolytic activity was found in 20% enzyme concentration, which can be
hydrolyzed protein of 1.42% and the highest proteolytic activity was found in
40% concentration of 2.690%. Activity of proteolytic enzyme was obtained the
greater when compared to the activity of proteolytic enzyme bromelain from
pineapple skin waste. Dedin et al (2013) showed that the hydrolyzed protein
0.5743% on enzyme concentration as low as 20% and 1.1206% at the highest enzyme
concentration of 40%. Budiansyah research results (2011), it is known that the
activity of the protease enzyme local cattle 7.3 ± 3.5 units / ml were measured
at pH 7.0. Sheep rumen fluid protease enzyme is an enzyme produced by bacteria
that have less activity when the enzyme is no longer contains the cells of
bacteria and protozoa. The statement was reinforced by the opinions Moharrery
and Das, (2002).
The value of leucaena seeds protein concentrate
produced ranged between 56.02% -56.30% db. At the 24-hour incubation period
using sheep rumen fluid enzyme concentration of 4 mL / 100 g provides the most
optimal levels of protein, whereas the incubation period of 48 hours the
concentration of enzyme 10 mL / 100 g which produce optimal levels of protein.
Protein hydrolysis process can be influenced by the presence of phytic acid
content of Leucaena seeds can effected on protease enzymes work. The statement
was reinforced by the opinion Ravindran, et. al (2000), that the protease
enzyme activity decreased due to the phytic acid binding protein, as well as
phytic acid insoluble in neutral pH.
Sheep rumen fluid is a enzyme source of cheap can comprises
amilase and cellulase. The activity of both enzymes is competing with the
protease enzyme that Leucaena seed protein was hydrolyzed less optimal.
Cellulase enzyme is an enzyme complex (multi-component) which consists of
several enzymes that work gradually or jointly decompose cellulose into
D-glucose (Kim et al. 1994 in Fitriliyani 2010). There are four main groups of
enzymes that make cellulose based substrate of each enzyme, namely: First; Endo
β (1-4) glukonase (β 1-4 Dglukanohidrolase, EC, Cxselulase, glikolisik
bond hydrolyze β (1-4) at random. This enzyme does not attack but hydrolyze
cellobiose selodekstrin. This enzyme is also active attack cellulose which has
been substituted for example carboxymethyl. Second; The enzyme β (1-4) D-glucan
selobiohidrolase (EC, Cl attacking non-reducing ends of cellulose
chains and produce cellobiose. These enzymes can attack selodekstrin but do not
attack the cellulose which has been substituted and can not hydrolyze
cellobiose. Third; β (1-4) D-glucan glukohidrolase (EC .2.1.74), attacked the
non-reducing ends of cellulose chains and produce glucose. This enzyme attack
selooligosakarida and CMC. While the fourth is a β (1-4) glucosidase or β (1-4)
D-glucoside glukohidrolase (EC, hydrolyze cellobiose and short chain
selooligosakarida and glucose.
Figure 2. Protein content of Leucaena
protein concentrate on incubation 24 h
Figure 3. Protein content of Leucaena
protein concentrate on incubation 48 h
During hydrolysis occurs conversion proteins that are insoluble
nitrogen into compounds that are soluble, further breaks down into compounds that
are simpler, such as peptides, amino acids and ammonia. Haslaniza et al. (2010)
stated that the concentration of proteolytic enzymes that increasing the hydrolysis
process will lead to an increase in dissolved nitrogen content. Amino acid composition
of leucaena seed concentrate consists of amino acids polar and non-polar so
this will affect the solubility in water and oil.
Table 1. amino acid Composition of
Leucaena Seed Protein Concentrate
Amino acid
Result (%)
Figure 4. Amino acid Chromatogram of
Leucaena Seed Protein Concentrate
activity in the rumen is very closely related to the diversity of
microorganisms in the rumen. Rumen microbes can be divided into 3 main groups
of bacteria, protozoa and fungi (Czerkawski, 1986). Hungate (1966) there are several types of
bacteria in the rumen, including:
a. Cellulose-digesting bacteria
(Bakteroidessuccinogenes, Ruminococcus flafaciens, Ruminococcus albus,
digestive bacteria (Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, Bacteroides ruminocola,
Ruminococcus sp.)
bacteria (Bacteroides ammylophilus, Streptococcus bovis, Succinnimonas
bacteria (Triponema bryantii, Lactobacillus ruminus)
e. Protein-digesting bacteria
(Clostridium sporogenus, Bacillus licheniformis).
Water Absorption
Water absorption of leucaena seed protein concentrate
produced at the value of 2.50 to 3.70 mL / g. The highest water absorption was obtained
in the treatment of enzyme concentration addition of 10 mL / 100 g was equal to
3.42 mL / g and low water absorption in the treatment without the addition of
enzyme concentration of (control) sheep
rumen fluid was 3.18 mL / g. Increasing sheep rumen fluid enzyme concentration and
the longer the incubation period resulted in increasing water absorption. It was
also an impact on the resulting color difference, the longer the incubation
period causes discoloration more dark. Polar proteins molecules composition affected
the binding of water. This statement is reinforced by the opinions Suwarno,
(2003) which states that the binding of water depends on the composition and
conformation of the molecule - a protein molecule. The interaction between
water and hydrophilic groups of the side chains of proteins can occur through
hydrogen bonds. The amount of water that can be retained by the protein depends
on the amino acid composition, surface hydrophobicity, and processing. The
amount of water that is bound to be increased if the polarity of the protein
increases. Water absorption of leucaena seed protein concentrate was still in
the range of soy protein concentrate. Kinsella, (1979) absorption from 2.40 to
3.40 g of soy protein concentrate H2O / g solid.
5. Leucaena seed protein concentrate incubated 24 h (A1B6) and 48 h (A2B6)
Figure 6. Water absorption of Leucaena seed
protein concentrate
Improved water absorption leucaena seed protein
concentrate line with the length of time of incubation. Water absorption of Protein
concentrate is affected by the amount of polar amino acids in proteins. The
statement was reinforced by the opinions suwarno, (2003) which states that
water absorption related to the amount of polar amino acid groups present in
the protein molecule. Polar amino acid groups, such as hydroxyl, amino,
carboxyl, and sulfihidril provide hydrophilic properties of the protein
molecule that can absorb and bind water.
holding capacity is the ability to retain water against gravity, and includes
bound water, hydrodynamic water, capillary water and physically entrapped water
(Moure et al., 2006). The amount of water associated to proteins is closely
related with its amino acids profile and increases with the number of charged
residues (Kuntz and Kauzmann, 1974), conformation,hydrophobicity, pH,
temperature, ionic strength and protein concentration (Damodaran,
1997;Kinsella, 1979).
solubility is influenced by the hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity balance, which
depends on the amino acid composition, particularly at the protein surface
(Moure et al.,2006). The presence of a low number of hydrophobic residues; the
elevated charge and the electrostatic repulsion and ionic hydration occurring
at pH above and below the isoelectric pH favour higher solubility. Protein
solubility is also influenced by production method and in particular by
denaturation due to alterations in the hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity ratio of
the surface. A highly soluble protein is required in order to obtain optimum
functionality required in gelation, solubility, emulsifying acitivity, foaming
and lipoxygenase activity (Riaz, 2006). Soluble protein preparations are easier
to incorporate in food systems, unlike those with low solubility indices which
have limited functional properties and more limited
food uses.
Bulk Density
The average bulk density of leucaena seed protein
concentrate produced ranged from 0.52 to 0.66 g / mL. was generally associated
with a higher water absorption cohesiveness, mainly due to the liquid bridges
between the particles. Therefore, food powder which is hygroscopic at high
water content causes a decrease in bulk density (Wirakartakusumah et al 1992).
Figure 7. Bulk Density of Leucaena seed protein
Bulk density
data indicated that
the longer the incubation time did not significantly affect the bulk density reduction. At the time of treatment 24 h
incubation bulk density leucaena
seed protein concentrate 0.56 g / mL and a slight decline
in long treatment
incubation of 48 hours is 0:55 g / mL. Bulk density values of various
foods in powder form between 0.3 to 0.8 g
/ ml. Bulk density
of food powder
particles depending on the nature of
the food material.
The statement reinforced Wirakartakusumah opinion. et al, (1992) which
states that the bulk density of food in powder form depending on the influence of factors
such as intensity interconnected attractive forces between the particles, particle size and number of related points.
Oil absorption
The average oil absorption of leucaena seed
protein concentrate produced ranged from 0.9 to 1.65 mL / g. The highest oil
absorption capacity was obtained in the treatment of enzyme concentration of 10
mL / 100 g was equal to (1.65 ml / g) and low oil absorption in the treatment
without the use of enzymes sheep rumen fluid is 0.9 mL / g. Oil absorption
capacity of leucaena seed protein concentrate was still in the range of soy
protein concentrate (1.33 to 1.54 ml / g, Kinsella, 1979). Increased absorption
of the oil that was in line with increasing enzyme concentration sheep rumen
fluid used depends on the presence of a protein that has a lipolytic structure.
At the amino acid composition of leucaena seeds protein concentrates contained
amino acids lipolytic types (non-polar amino acids), such as glycine, alanine,
tryptophan, valine, leucine (Table 1). This statement is supported by the
opinion (Lin et al, 1974) which states that the oil absorption capacity of a
protein depends on its structure. Structures that are lipolytic with nonpolar
protein content of branches more dominant, contributing to the increase in oil
absorption capacity.
Figure 8. Oil absorption of Leucaena seed
protein concentrate
In Figure 7 shows that the longer the
incubation time increased absorption of oil Leucaena seed protein concentrate.
Suwarno, (2003) which states that the denaturation of the protein can increase
the protein's ability to bind fat due to the opening of the protein structure
that describes the amino acids that are non-polar. According to Zayas, (1997)
in Hapsari, (2009) stated that the oil absorption capacity of a protein is
affected by sources of protein, the protein particle size, shape processing,
other additives, temperature, and degree of protein denaturation.
proteolytic enzyme
Activity of sheep rumen fluid obtained was
greater when compared to the proteolytic
enzyme activity of bromelain from pineapple
skin waste and
can hydrolyze leucaena
seeds proteins was optimal at a concentration of 4 mL / 100 g on incubation time 24
h. Amino acid composition
of Leucaena seed protein concentrate
enough complete to produce nutrition
source and had the functional properties of water and oil absorption
increased with sheep rumen fluid enzyme concentration increasing
This research was funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture through the research competitive of national strategy (STRANAS) 2014-2014
This research was funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture through the research competitive of national strategy (STRANAS) 2014-2014
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